The success of the Wayne State University Transition to Independence Program (TIP Wayne State) would not be possible without the generous support from volunteers from the community.There are several opportunities for those interested in looking to partner with TIP to share time, talent and resources. We are actively recruiting assistance from volunteers for the following activities:
- Create and Disseminate Care Packages to Foster Care Youth...
Care packages are provided to foster care youth during finals week in the fall and winter semesters. This program provides foster care youth with a boost of energy to promote diligence and good study habits at a time when school is most stressful for students. Care packages include nonperishable food items, gift cards to local area restaurants and stores, personal hygiene items, and school supplies. Students who come to campus from foster care often do not have the benefit of this type of informal support from family and friends. These periodic “pick me ups” reminds foster care alumni that someone is thinking about them and can help students avoid slipping up, giving up, and even dropping out of school. Critical Partners who have assisted with creating these care packages in the past include the Faith Based Coalition on Foster Care Youth, Big Family of Michigan, and the WSU community of faculty and staff.
- Host a Dinner for Students on Campus...
TIP Wayne State has partnered with several faith-based organizations to partner with TIP to host monthly dinners on campus to support not only the health and nutrition of foster care youth on campus, but also to provide them with a sense of community and social connectedness. If you or your organization is interested in sponsoring a dinner, please contact the TIP Wayne State at
(313) 577-0063 or via email at .
- Become a Career Mentor...
The TIP Wayne State Career Mentoring Program links students with career professionals to network and build connections in the professional world. The program offers a creative approach ensuring that students have an effective network of professional connections assisting them in their career endeavors. We are actively seeking volunteers interested in becoming career mentors. For more information on WSU’s Career Mentoring program, contact TIP Wayne State staff member Corey Soper () or visit
- Organizational Development and Sustainability...
Our efforts to sustain TIP Wayne State are contingent upon the university’s ability to diversify its funding base. With the steady reductions of government funds available to support the University’s efforts, it is critical that TIP Wayne State partner with private philanthropy and individual donors to ensure the educational success of foster care youth enrolled on campus. There are several aspects of the program that are in need of fund development to ensure the success of our students. You may follow the link below to assist TIP Wayne State through giving a tax deductible donation. Other options for giving are also listed below.
- Sponsor an event. The number and kinds of events that are planned for foster care youth throughout the academic year are contingent on donations received by the program. An event, like our pre-finals dinner costs on average about $900.
- Sponsor a student care package. The average cost of a care package that is disseminated to a student during finals week is $65.